Video Series!
Videos! See my takes on gender socialization and agency here.
Videos! See my takes on gender socialization and agency here.
How DO women factor into policy proposals? Read on...
Can we walk in another's shoes?
My update on the Carroll/Trump story.
You're probably awash in plastic. But you don't have to be.
Note - see also this important resources page to understand the issue better. Know your subconscious biases; they are powerful. Observe each other's interactions with a gender lens. Gender biases create a 'hidden curriculum' that instructs. Never highlight gender unnecessarily; before you say "boys and girls" or refer to "the man behind the desk" in a photograph, ask yourself: "Does gender matter?" It almost never does. Refrain from commenting on appearances, which are almost always gender-coded. Avoid single-sex groupings. Never let gender be used as a means of separating or excluding without comment. Don't put yourself down in gender-defined ways.…
Who tells our stories? How do we understand each other? It matters. A lot.