I don’t usually get personal on these pages, but a few things in 2023 inspired me.

Athletics. I did my first full marathon, which was totally cool. Not just the actual race day, though I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of that, but also the entire planning and training process. For me, athletics are a means to learn about life and the marathon experience furnished that in spades.

Dance. I’ve always enjoyed dancing but never took lessons – save one summer of free Ballroom classes in NYC with my stepbrother when we were about 18. (That was a hoot.) But it’s been on my ‘list’ to bring dance more into my life. So this year I took classes in Latin and African dance and was delighted to welcome those body movements, that music, and that way of thinking into my life. Stay tuned for more. (Oh and had the privilege of two great teachers! Klaudia Petriti, a master of all things Latin Dance, and Monessa Salley, below, far left, were fantastic teachers, which made the entry ramp that much smoother.)

Camping and nature. For my birthday in September, I chose to camp out in Myakka, alone, so I would go to sleep and wake up (into my new year) in nature. The sounds and smells, the heavy nighttime rain and the languorous sunrise, the mental and physical space that experience afforded were wonderful.





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