Y’all know me. I’ve done Half Marathons. I’ve done Half Ironmans. I’ve done swims, runs, bikes, kayaks, AND hikes. But this year is it. This year I do a FULL marathon, for the first time, together with my daughter Biz. We’re returning to our roots to run the iconic NYC Marathon this November. And we are soooo psyched.
Even better, we’re running with a charity team! And we’ve picked Amref Health Africa – an Africa-based NGO working to train health workers and strengthen health systems. They respond to the continent’s most critical health challenges: maternal and child health, non-communicable and infectious diseases, and surgical and clinical outreach.
Why did we choose Amref? Three reasons, all super good.
We felt connections: I delivered my first baby in Nairobi, Kenya, thanks to the wonderful care of Kenyan maternity nurses. So I owe them. Biz and I both had Peace Corps Africa experience – and more. We understand the importance of community health initiatives. And I knew Amref from my years working in Kenya.
- We know how important their work is: childhood immunization, prenatal care and education, family planning, midwife training – everyone should have access to these, without question.
- We knew they would use the money well: Amref Health Africa is now the largest Africa-based NGO with over 65 years of experience. Last year they provided over 600,000 people with family planning services and delivered more than half a million babies safely. They have unparalleled achievements and effectiveness in community health and health worker training.
Can you please help? Support Amref Health Africa by making a donation through this page. Read on to see what your donation will do – or go to our social media pages and Amref’s website to learn more.
The most common complications leading to maternal mortality CAN be prevented – making a huge difference for mothers, babies, and their families.
Where does your money go?
- $30 ensures newborns have a healthy start with vaccines and proper nutrition
- $50 provides a community midwife with “mama kits” to ensure prenatal care and safe delivery
- $75 provides a community midwife with a bicycle to reach more women
- $250 trains a community midwife to treat common illnesses and help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS from mothers to their children
- $500 equips small health clinics with beds and medical kits to help mothers safely deliver babies
- $1000 helps build a well at a health facility
- $2500 trains a midwife to full ‘registration level’! This degree-level woman can care for nearly 500 women a year and save up to 80% of at-risk mothers.
Any amount helps! Please don’t wait!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. We’ll keep you updated on our progress – fundraising AND training.
Finally, how about sending this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating?
With gratitude.
Love, Scott and Biz
PS Next one’s for you, Bree!