Sarasota Herald Tribune: Underrepresented Voices
Can we walk in another's shoes?
Can we walk in another's shoes?
You're probably awash in plastic. But you don't have to be.
Note - see also this important resources page to understand the issue better. Know your subconscious biases; they are powerful. Observe each other's interactions with a gender lens. Gender biases create a 'hidden curriculum' that instructs. Never highlight gender unnecessarily; before you say "boys and girls" or refer to "the man behind the desk" in a photograph, ask yourself: "Does gender matter?" It almost never does. Refrain from commenting on appearances, which are almost always gender-coded. Avoid single-sex groupings. Never let gender be used as a means of separating or excluding without comment. Don't put yourself down in gender-defined ways.…
Veterinarians in the US are now overwhelmingly female. Yet they still experience a gender pay gap. Wait - you're kidding, right? I was interviewed on this topic for the March edition of TRENDS magazine - read more about it here.
No more relief aid for hurricanes. Yes, you heard that right.
Last time I checked men were needed for baby making. So where y'all been?
A challenge to the health care industry.
Because understanding the root causes of IPV is the only way to make real, long-term change.
Root causes, people, root causes = the real approach to social change. Because just treating symptoms is not enough. Achieving gender equality is a tough, long-term problem, which is why at Together Women Rise we want to spend our time on root causes, on changing the systems that aren't working. Together Women Rise November 2021.