Sarasota Herald Tribune: Let’s flip the script and increase female visibility on our screens
Mass media shapes everything - and it's nearly all made by men. Read what we can do.
Mass media shapes everything - and it's nearly all made by men. Read what we can do.
Because understanding the root causes of IPV is the only way to make real, long-term change.
Helping victims of gender-based violence is something everyone can get behind: rape crisis centers, domestic violence hot lines, self-defence classes for young girls. No. Just no more. I refuse to support this. Because until we start talking about the root causes of GBV, and addressing those, we are not really helping end the problem. In fact, we may be enabling it's continuation. Sarasota Herald Tribune November 2020.
Discrimination Lawsuits – There is a Better Way Sarasota County just paid $68,000 to settle a gender discrimination lawsuit, and reports indicate the City of Sarasota has paid $220,000 to settle similar claims in the past five years. The City is looking at ways to encourage employees to “express concerns” and will “emphasize the importance of speaking up.” This may be helpful, but there is a more direct approach. The City of Sarasota is already on that path. Cities for CEDAW* is a nationwide effort that provides tools and structures to help cities become more gender-equitable, proactively. The idea is…
We hear that women are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. What does that even mean? Isn't EVERYONE affected? And even if that is true, why is it an issue? Join me Wednesday, July 19th at 9:30 AM on the Peace and Justice Report, WSLR 96.5 Community Radio to find out all this and more. Bob Connors, Tom Walker, and I will help you sort out all you need to know about women and COVID-19.
Join me for a webinar on Parenting and Gender Equity this Tuesday, July 14 at 1 PM Eastern. Montessori Family Life will be hosting this fun and informative discussion. "PARENTING TOWARD GENDER EQUITY" Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 1:00 PM EDT Pre-registration required. Register here now! We'll talk about why awareness of gender equity is so important plus offer lots of practical tips. Tune in for ideas on gift-giving (pink toys? trucks?), what to do about those teenage slurs, how your attitude toward gender affects your child's reading, and why you might want to skip those gender-reveal parties. If you're a…
Sarasota Magazine: WOMEN IN FILM Through Women’s Eyes Film Festival Celebrates International Female Filmmakers The festival will showcase women-inspired films and celebrate International Women’s Day from March 6-8. By Allison Forsyth 2/27/2020 at 2:58pm Queen of Hearts Documentary Feature at the Through Women’s Eyes Film Festival. IMAGE: COURTESY PHOTO Herald Tribune: Through Women’s Eyes brings international female filmmakers, stories to Sarasota Your Observer WMNF Interview; Mary Glenney, March 5, 2020 WSLR Interview; Peace and Justice Report, February 26, 2020
[box] I spoke about activism - specifically, activism for gender equality - at the UN Women USA GCC lunch in October. For those who've asked for a reminder of my four activism tips, I offer the speech - tips and video. Good luck. Keep me posted.[/box] I want you to be an activist. Gender equality is important for everyone – it isn’t just something we do to be nice to women. Research shows that more gender-equal environments - communities, companies, countries – do better. More gender-equal communities have healthier children. More gender-equal companies have better returns for their shareholders. More…
The UN Women USA Gulf Coast Chapter Fall Lunch is upon us - and it's going to be amazing. We're recognizing local Champions of Gender Equality and mobilizing for activism. Join us!