Alpha Montessori Roof Garden Blooms!

The roof garden is blossoming!  Actually, more than blossoming – it’s producing real food, smack in the middle of a smashed-in urban labyrinth, a wasteland for nature.

IMG_1276Alpha Montessori – one of my favorite places – was last year’s recipient of the AWA Glimpses of Asia photo exhibit and fundraiser.  The proceeds went to take their abandoned, unsafe, and pretty well dysfunctional rooftop and turn it into a garden.

The goal was to have some space where children – and adults – could enjoy outdoor time, experience nature, and learn about botany.

I’m happy to say all the work has paid off. The garden, though still young, is blooming and now some of the vegetable plants are producing.  The first lettuce and tomatoes are in.

Stay tuned for updates.
